All About D

Hey y'all! My name is Danielle and I'm semi-new to the teacher blog world! Recently I had a baby boy and he's absolutely precious. Having a child is the most amazing thing my husband and I have ever experienced. 

I have an adorable-energetic cock-a-poo named Bella. Her hobbies are playing, barking, and giving baby boy lots of kisses (licks). 

My husband and I love family time. My favorite times are sitting around basically doing nothing together, or taking walks. That might sound totally lame, but it's the best! 

Any-who I'm excited to start using my teaching experience and creativity to start a blog and lesson ideas. 

I hope my blog will be useful and helpful to new and experienced teachers! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Danielle It's Kristen from the Neighborhood Blog Party at Aspire to Inspire that you linked up to. I didn't have an e-mail address for you, but I nominated you for a Liebster Award for your blog. Just a fun little thing to get the word out about smaller blogs. I just wrote a post about it on my blog:
